Having an obtained StdClass Object, we require to change it into a SOAP structure object or Array compliant.
Converting a StdClass Object with PhP basically means iterating the object and populating the public properties with elements from the provided object/array.
First we get the public properties using the PhP Reflection Class:
$reflect = new ReflectionClass($this);
$properties = $reflect->getProperties (ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC);
Having these properties, we simply iterate them as follows:
foreach($properties as $property) {
$propertyName = $property->getName();
if (isset($data[$propertyName])) {
$this->{$propertyName} = (is_object($data[$propertyName])) ? (array)$data[$propertyName] : $data[$propertyName];
Additionally, we can start by converting the $data object into Array:
if (is_object($data)) {
$data = (array)$data;