Contemplations On Relating: Owning Your Value & Your Worth

By Jenrene

I am not a relationship expert in the least.

But I do have pretty good boundaries. And  of that, I am proud.

I am not perfect, and I  don’t know a whole lot about what a relationship takes to make it work, but I really can appreciate a good one. I know when I have a good one.  Bad relationships are like a crack in the glass. (And since I have one  on my windshield, currently, I thought it might be best share what that’s been like. * See photo.) It’s expensive. Costly.  And it gets in the way of your vision your hopes for the future. A bad relationship can weigh you down and keep you from purposing your life in the right direction.

However, I am one who cares immensely about how  women are treated in relationships, and I HATE domestic violence for  HUGE reasons. I decided a long time ago, that  placing myself  as a priority, is  MOST important. I once counseled a woman in  Syracuse, NY, who only took about five weeks to fully  determine she didn’t want to be in the relationship and  it was pretty awesome to see her walk away only after a sort time of self-evaluation. I believe anyway can walk away from a relationship if they do the proper self-evaluation and take the time to do the self work,  because it makes them decide to fly. Yet why does it take time to  wake up and realize our worth, and our value and  how do we become so stuck in this place?

 I hope to explore that in  the next few blog posts.

One of the biggest  problems women suffer with  in relationships, is  self-doubt. Women often second guess their intuition. I know, I did this for years. And that was costly,too. Then one day I decided I would begin to purposely take the time to do  some quiet and meditate, self-evaluate and  do a personal self-study of what it  took to be  honest with myself about my self-confidence.  (Man, was it worth it! ) Along the way I found a really  good book, by Brene Brown. Her speeches on  vulnerability are the best.   (Brene’ Brown vulnerability   (You should check her out.)  She take a  good look at te influence of shame and our inner dialog that happens with  our own personal self confidence. It’s crucual to getting past the lies we tell ourselves. Reading her book :The Gifts of Imperfection: Letting Go Of Who You’re Supposed to Be and  Embracing Who  You Are” , was freeing.

If women  doubt themselves they begin to doubt every action, and it causes them to  not make decisions at all, that can help them. If she doesn’t make a decision at all, she forever remains confused, disillusioned, and  stagnant.

Don’t allow a sour or broken and misguided relationship keep your from achieving your goals Life is too short already! Why limit it even more with excess baggage? Make a conscious choice today to  be intentional about  your destiny, your future,  and OWN your confidence.

OWN it, and DO THE WORK.