Come Fly with Me

By Asullivan @asullivan85

I'm probably recovering from a BlogHer '12 at the moment. I'm also probably fighting La Guardia right about now. I have a love/hate relationship with air travel. I'm sure all know why, but being a former flight attendant REAAAALLY adds to that hate category. Anyway, since I'm hopefully on an airplane thousands of feet above air, here's a half ass post of fun things I have pinned lately. ​

Yeah, I went there. You could totally just follow me on Pinterest to see what I pin. Instead, I'll subject you to poor commentary and lots of photos. I'm quite the award winning blogger I don't claim to be. ​

Reminder! Tone Up Tuesday goes live tomorrow. Link it up for fun! ​

This happens to me all the time. Instead of pinning a funny ecard about it, maybe I should go get a hearing test. Hearing loss is not a joke. ​

Hi! Look! A Boston Terrier in a bow tie. I bet he has somewhere formal to the backyard. ​

Most of these you can find the in bottom of my Dyson. It's awful. ​

FALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!! As I type this, its 111 degrees outside. 111. Ugh. ​

Um, my son WILL have this shirt asap.

I'll be honest. I'm a die hard Office fan. Well, when Michael Scott was around. The thing that keeps me watching is Jim and Pam. Jim Halpert gave me unrealistic expectations of what men should be like. I realize he is a fictional character from television. 

Oh look, a Boston Terrier in a bow tie. What a gentleman. ​He must know that other Boston Terrier from before.