By Jen Campbell @TennisLife_Mag

Hey everyone! With combo tennis in full swing, this I'm going to show you how you and your partner can transition from playing defensive tennis to playing offensive tennis.

If your weaker player is serving and keeps getting caught on the baseline, back up to the best of your ability to where the return ball is bouncing. This creates a wall and relieves pressure from the weaker player so that if she hits a weak ball, the stronger partner is standing back with her partner ready to defend rather than waiting up at the net to be a target. And when the weaker player does hit a solid deep ball, you maintain your wall and both move in to net.

This really applies to all levels, not just combo, it just may make more sense in combo.

As always, my goal is to give all of you the tips and tools you need to be the best tennis players you can be. If you have any questions about rules, or situations that happened to you, please tell me about it in the comments section below and I'll address it in a future video! Also, be sure and share my posts with your tennis friends, and connect with me on and Youtube! I also have 2 new accounts so be sure and follow these as well: and .