Color Blocking

By Alysonisneat

Other possible titles for this blog post include:
Mustard and Grapes, not a snack

My hair did not work this morning

Ya know, just hangin' out on the roof of a parking garage

Ronald McDonald and the Purple thing had a baby on my clothes
I know color blocking is like all the rage.  I decided to give it a try, especially after picking up this fantastic purple skirt for a dollar.  Unfortunately, this skirt wrinkles like crazy and after sitting at my desk for a few hours, this is what happened.  I really love this skirt though!  The hour-glass silhouette when I look in the mirror makes me feel so confident.  When I walk, I actually wiggle. 
Shirt: Target
Necklace: gift
Belt: Muse boutique
Skirt: thrift store
Shoes: Antonio Melani
Bag: Volcom