College Work/happenings

By Fashionmakeupandbeauty @_melissajayne
Bits 'n Bobs                                                                   --------------------
Here are a few things I have been getting up to seen as I have been lagging on posting side on here, I don't mean to honest!. Lots of college work to do and only 14 days left!. I shall be posting sooner and more regularly before long as it is only 37 days till i go to Australia.
On we go!..

Fake facial hair recreating Captain Jack Sparrow.

1920's make up flapper make-up.

1960's hard to see but very sharp and shaded
crease, bold brows and back combed hair.

Applying a wig unstyled

Applying a wig styled into Regency

Greek/Roman styled wig

Greek/Roman Styled wig

Final Assessment

My Final assessment was on Avant-Garde, so i decided to do a pin up look. We had to create a mask piece made from wig lace i thought i would do a vintage theme. I wanted to let my personality into my my look so i decided to do a half skull like face this also tided into the "pin-up" era as the war was also on at the time. so the state people felt inside.

I really hope you like my work :)
Much Love