COLLEGE FOOTBALL: Audible Audibles Feat. ESPN College Football Live's Lyndsey Lee

By Huskerlocker @huskerlocker

Husker Locker's Brandon Cavanaugh sits down with some of the biggest and brightest minds in college football with the site's newest feature: Audible Audibles.
This week, a Husker-centric show as ESPN College Football Live's own Lyndsey Lee checks in with some of the most outrageous statements ever made on AA.

Topics include:
- Lee's take on Nebraska
- The aftershocks of Steve Sipple's Uni Chat-quake reach us
- Crowd commentary
- Is Burkhead for Heisman 2012 realistic?
Finally, the Four Letters' Diva of Digital Discourse goes Three and Out. Will Lee answer the three questions given or call an audible?

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Follow Lyndsey on Twitter: @L__Lee
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