Collection Fast Stroke Eyeliner

By Newwithhashtags @NewWithHashtags
Review of: Collection Fast Stroke Eyeliner

Reviewed by: newwithhashtags
On March 3, 2014Last modified:March 2, 2014


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I’ve only recently discovered eyeliner (well, discovered how to apply it without looking like a panda!) but I haven’t had the chance to try many liquid eyeliners. The Collection Fast Stroke eyeliner looked like a great opportunity to try it out.

I received the Collection Fast Stroke eyeliner in my Glossybox and, although it’s a cheap brand (seriously, it’s £2.99…), I was happy to see it. It’s got a pointed tip which reminded me somewhat of a quill, gliding over the skin easily. It was even possible to quickly and accurately do a flick at the outer corners of my eyes with this eyeliner, which I found truly amazing.

It took a couple of minutes to dry, leaving a bold black line which made my eyelids feel a little tighter than usual. And then the tingling started and my eyes went red. I think I may have had a reaction to this product because I tried it again a few days later and my eyes responded in the same way.

It is a shame because I think I could use a product like this. It’s easy to use and sets well, as long as you don’t blink/look up prematurely, and I think it’s great value for money. I just can’t use it without getting that reaction which is such a pity! As such, I can’t tell you if this eyeliner is long-lasting as I had to remove it quickly after application.