Collages by Eugenia Loli

By Echocanyon @echo_canyon

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As an artist, what role do you feel your work plays amongst society?
Honestly, not a large role. I have a large number of Tumblr followers who enjoy my art, but I don't consider collage (or even paintings for that mater) to influence society greatly today. Art styles themselves do get influenced by new ideas, and they evolve, but that is just art for art's sake. To make a major cultural influence today you will have to be either a novelist, or especially, a popular filmmaker. Graphical arts now operate as addons to these art forms, rather than being culturally significant by themselves. Picasso's Guernica was probably the last major painting that had some societal impact. Then deservedly, film took over.
Many of your pieces persue themes of mythology and esoteric philosophies, is this a reaction to the  re-awakening of human cosmic intelligence?

The mythology part is because I'm Greek, so I have a series that depicts a re-imagined Greek mythology. But the collages about esoteric philosophies are indeed because I, too, felt awaken. I became spiritual in 2013, after many years of hard atheism. I'm still against organized religion, and I don't believe in a God, but I'm now more open to the possibilities of a larger world.
Does music inspire your work in any way? Name three of your favorite bands/ musicians.
Yeah, the last few years there has been a re-imagining of '80s underground music, and modern vintage collage is similar to that regard. I love music by John Maus, Neon Indian, Washed Out. Synth-based music that is that is kind of nostalgic, and it doesn't feature the human voice predominantly (I like the human voice to be blended with the music, not to stand out). I also especially like
music that features classical-like thematic development, Caribou's "Jamelia" is a great example of this.
You have mentioned being influenced by Julian Picaurd and Kieron Cropper. Is there an artist past or present that you feel you have a connection with?
Without a doubt, David Delruelle:

What are your goals for the future, both work wise and life?
Be able to finish a TV show script that I'm working on, and realize it to bring it to the screen. The script conveys my whole life philosophy, everything I would tell my child, if I had one. After that is done (if ever), I will simply retire to my native Greek mountains that I come from, and live the rest of my life among a
permaculture-designed environment. I'm not dreaming of becoming a producer/script-writer as part of a profession, neither I'm interested in the money associated. I simply want to say what I want to say to the world in one go, and then just live the remaining of my life here out of the way. Then, it would be up to them.

View more of Eugenia's work on her website: