introduced to
I don't know what it is about me but sometimes I just can't find one recipe I like for various reasons and tortillas was a hard one. I did not want lard or other "gross" ingredients. I was looking for pure and simple. I pulled from this recipe and that recipe and then I added my coconut oil twist and here is what I have been turning back to again and again. I tried a variation once and failed. Darling daughter said to stick with what is working. "It's yummy!"
The ingredients:
- 2 cups flour (right now I am using all purpose but I still plan to play with my recipe and get some alternative flours in the day)
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp salt (I use standard salt instead of my traditional Hawaiian salt)
- 2 Tbl coconut oil (I don't even melt it)
- 1/2 - 3/4 cup hot water
The steps:
- Put the flour, baking powder, salt, and coconut oil into a large bowl.
- Mix with your finger tips until the oil is spread throughout the flour mixture.
- Slowly add the water and continue mixing with your hands until a ball is formed. Note: I have noticed that the amount of water I use varies slightly each time and am attributing it to the humidity where I live. You want your ball to stick together but not be too gooey.
- Knead the dough a couple of minutes until the ingredients are well mixed.
- Cover your dough and let it rest 30 minutes.
- Divide your dough into 8 equal pieces.
- Roll each piece into a flat roundish tortilla on a floured surface. I roll all my tortillas first and put four on a large place, sprinkle with flour ever so lightly, put a plate on top for the next four. I have limited counter space.
- Cook over medium-high heat in a non-stick skillet. My first tortilla always takes longer but perhaps I am too lazy waiting for my pan to heat up properly. You will see the tortilla puff up and then flip and cook the other side. It is really only a minute or so each side. Note: Do not grease the pan. I did this at first and it just made the first tortillas too crispy.
- Store in a Ziploc bag in the fridge. I can't really tell you how long they will last because ours are usually gone within days.
Yield: 8 tortillas
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for my new pans!
Daily Affirmation: I am learning to walk away when needed.