Coconut Ice Pops Sugar, Gluten & Dairy Free + (Easy Recipe)

By Healyounaturally @healU_naturally

There is nothing better than an Ice pop during a hot summer day. These homemade coconut ice pops recipe will absolutely quench your thirst and sweet tooth simultaneously without the guilt. Not only are they refreshing and delicious- they are dairy, and sugar-free because they are made with swerve sweetener.

So let me ask you this when was the last time you had an Ice pop that:

1. Is not only delicious but at the same time can boost your immune system.

2. Helped your brain do its job to protect you from Alzheimer's disease (oils in coconut)

3. Provided one of the best sources of fiber (from the raw coconut chunks)?

4. Didn't raise your sugars making it of course diabetic friendly, because it is made with swerve sweetener- A zero calories, low glycemic natural sweetener (contains no chemicals).

5. It's dairy free because it is made with coconut or even almond milk.

Now that is what I call a "Healthy Pop". You can add berries, nuts I love brazil nuts, or whatever your little heart desires to make this your own.

How is it possible to make a low carb, low glycemic load ice pop? Glad you asked.

When you use a low glycemic, low-calorie sweetener, and ingredients with a low glycemic load your sugars won't spike - unlike using sugar or even honey. I have used liquid stevia (alcohol-free), lucuma, yakon, and even coconut palm sugar. However, swerve is what I use on ice pops and it works really well.

What is swerve? Swerve is a great tasting, natural sweetener that measures cup-for-cup just like sugar! Made from a unique combination of ingredients derived from fruits and vegetables, Swerve contains zero calories, it has a low glycemic index making it a diabetic friendly and sugar-free without chemicals. Here is the super quick and easy recipe.

You can make this recipe in an ice cube tray, any size dessert bowls for a fancy dessert or as a palate cleanser after a meal.
These pops were a staple growing up so whenever I make these I think of my mom. However, this time I am not using dairy or sugar so I truly hope that will make an impact on our overall future health.



So, have you ever had coconut ice pops? No? Oh, you have no idea what you are missing :D.

Is there a particular pop that reminds you of Gran's or Mom? If, so I'd love to hear all about it in the comments below.