Closet Organization for the Working Girl

By Classycareergirl @classycareer

Last week I read Unclutter Your Life in One Week by Erin Doland and this week I am attempting to follow all of the steps to clear the clutter and simplify my surroundings.  Let's just say after working full time and going to grad school in the evening, my closet/office, chores and home organization definitely got a little left behind.  This book is exactly what I needed for some to give myself a fresh start after grad school.  I am definitely a check the box type of girl so I love that I could maybe complete all of these steps in one week!  I have cleared all of my weeknights and I am ready to start! 
First thing on the list!  The Wardrobe!  An organized closet is the first thing you see when you wake up and it can be a bright spot at the start of your day.  It can also help you save many minutes in the morning and not have to be late for work!  The first and best step is clearing everything out of the closet and following certain guidelines about whether you should keep an item or not.  It should fit you well, represent your current style and work in coordination with other items in your wardrobe.  Remember the less clothes that you have inn your closet helps you make an easier decision in the morning about what to wear.  Once you have all the clothes set aside that you really want to keep, cluster the clothes by type and color.
Now the next and most exciting step is putting it all back into your closet.  That's the step I am at right now and need a little closet inspiration.  I am really loving these closets right now. 
Cupcakes and Cashmere 
Kendi Everyday

Real Simple

Do you find it difficult to keep your closet organized?