Classy Career Girl’s 2012 Countdown – Will You Help?

Posted on the 14 December 2011 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

Hi Classy Career Girls! So many amazing things have happened on this blog in 2011!  Here are a few of my favorites:

  • My networking for introverts article was featured in Forbes,
  • I decided to show my face and kick that “anonymous” blogger to the curb
  • I started and have almost completed the networking challenge!
  • This blog got a makeover 
  • I created an ebook with all of my tips and tricks for networking
  • I spoke to a fabulous group of students at Wake Forest University
  • I created my first youtube video
  • I created checklists to help you at your next interview, resume or networking event
  • I relaunched the Classy Career Girl monthly newsletter

Wow!  What a fun year it has been!  I am so looking forward to continuing this fun into 2012.  We already have some amazing things planned for you and I am so excited to share!  But first, I want to make sure that you are getting all of the helpful information that you NEED so I created a very short survey for you to take (only 7 little questions!):  Please click here to take the survey.

It would be great if you could take it in the next couple of days so I can make sure to gear everything in 2012 specifically to you fabulous readers!THANKS!Anna