Classy Career Girl Get Ahead Club Interview with Andrea Kay Today!

Posted on the 12 August 2013 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

Today, Get Ahead Club members will have the opportunity to listen to my interview with Andrea Kay, the author of This Is How to Get Your Next Job: An Inside Look at What Employers Really Want.

Andrea Kay helps people get excited about jumping out of bed and going to work. For the past 20 years she has been creating and recreating Andrea Kay/The Art of Self Direction, a career consulting firm whose clients range from rocket scientists and cowboys who want to change careers to accountants and engineers who have trouble relating to people.

Andrea specializes in “Career Therapy.” She is incessantly curious and quickly gets to the heart of an issue, then creates strategies to help people get what they want. She does this for CEOs, millionaires, corporate warriors, writers, real estate moguls, entrepreneurs and people who take their careers seriously. She writes books and the syndicated newspaper column, “At Work” and gives speeches to Fortune 50 companies, professional associations, schools and at special events.

But, what is the Get Ahead Club?

I created the Classy Career Girl Get Ahead Club for all levels of professional women. You will love this club if you are just about to graduate from college, if you are an experienced professional or if you are a busy working mother who wants to learn how to have it all.

This is my entry level of membership and a great way to have ongoing access to me and other career experts at a very affordable rate.

I have been interviewing experts about professional topics for over two years on my blog. But, I realized something was missing.  There were no action steps or the ability to ask my expert guests any questions because the call wasn’t happening live.  It wasn’t giving me enough interaction with you and I didn’t feel that you were getting enough out of my interviews to take back into their career.  So I decided to raise the bar  in 2013 so you can use what you learn today and make yourself an absolute success in your career!!

These women that I pick to interview are women that I REALLY want to talk to. I have heard them speak before and they have completely inspired me.  So I am being very picky and only choosing the best experts and successful professional women that I REALLY want to talk to. So I won’t waste your time. This is as good as it gets!  Today there are over 30 women in the Get Ahead Club and over 14 interviews to download and listen to!

Hope I get to welcome you into the club today!