Clarins White Plus Brightening Hydrating Emulsion

By Beautifulbuns

I find myself splurging more on creams, serums, essences than toners and emulsions, to the point that  -gasp- I actually do no have stand-by toners nor emulsions in my skincare troop inventory. Although it doesn’t make much difference if I were to mix brands, I just kinda prefer to use the same brands togetherly – just because I’m anal retentive and borderline OCD.

Currently, I’m using a wide array of products that are mostly Korean, and one of the rare few non-Korean branded product is my emulsion (I had no choice cos my very-expensive Sulwhasoo TimeTreasure Emulsion had finished and I’d forgotten to top up). Lo and behold, the sore thumb that sticks out in my battalion.

Clarins White Plus Brightening Hydrating Emulsion

Twist to unlock the pump, and re-twist to lock it

I say…

The bottle is surprisingly heavy – I’m not sure if it’s because of the density of the product, or also because of the bottle (made of glass I’m assuming. Not about to drop it on the floor to test its material).

  • The bottle is also quite smooth to the touch – polished also, so be wary when you’re holding it (presuming that this comes after you’ve applied toner and serum and haven’t got clean dry hands).
  • I do like the pump top though – you have to twist it to unlock it, and re-twist it to lock it. It lessens the probability of me accidentally dispensing some emulsion whilst jamming the cap back on. Yeah, I’m vaguely locomotor-challenged that way.
  • It smells like your usual Clarins products – plant-ish and pleasant.
  • The emulsion itself is milky – slightly milkier and thicker than some other emulsions in fact.
  • I guess that’s why it took a litttttle longer than usual for it to be absorbed.
  • The Clarins website states that it leaves a velvety finish on its website but it doesn’t seem to be the case.
  • It doesn’t leave my skin feeling oily / greasy / sticky, but it does feel softer and more moisturised.
  • In terms of whitening, I haven’t seen any visible differences, but it does feel more hydrated.

All in all, a decent emulsion to tide me over until I zip off to Korea to restock on some Korean-branded emulsion

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