Chic Italian Family Style – The Heritage Overcoat

By Reasonstodress

The Reason They Dressed

So, I made a friend thanks to this blog! You’ve “met” her before thanks to the real mom street style feature and I’ll be talking about her again on Friday. She makes the most beautiful items (interior designer by trade), and this last Sunday I went to the VERY curated Christmas Market where she was selling her wares.

I wasn’t supposed to be spending money this month, but let’s be honest… between Christmas gifts, black Friday sales and festive music and lights getting me in the holiday mood I just couldn’t control myself.    I bought some lovely things for myself and as gifts and JUST as I was leaving the market I saw this family!

They were right out of a fashion magazine!  You know those people that just have it together?  That’s this family! The mom, dad and adorable little boy are not just dressed well, but they are literally wearing fall’s biggest brands and trends!

You may not remember, but WAY back when in February I did a post about the upcoming Fall plaid and heritage coat trend (found here).  Tweeds, Plaids, Herringbone, Quilted, Crowsfeet…. are EVERYWHERE THIS SEASONS and they’ve been coined as “Heritage Fabrics” – namely woven in some way.

What they wore

I was in a hurry to get out of the market, with my son and husband in the rain outside waiting for me, so I didn’t get a chance to write down the exact brands that this mom was wearing.  I just asked her where she got her coat / bag etc, and she mentioned the MOST exclusive designer boutique in Modena.  So let’s just say that I have a good feeling that the brands she’s wearing are all designer and a little out of my range.

Here are the details:

Using my sleuth detective skills I can say that I’m pretty sure that her coat is this one, the “Gael”  by Isabel Marant for 510 Euro ($635).

The closest coat I could find was this one from Rosewe for under 60 bucks (on sale)!!  I just discovered Rosewe last night and I’m sure I’ll be featuring a lot of their products because they have FREE INTERNATIONAL shipping with NO MINIMUM SPEND, plus you get 15% off your first order!!  Plus they basically mimic all of the biggest designer fashions at a fraction of the price!  You can find this coat here.

Lest we forget that the dad in this family is totally stylish too.  Dads often get left out of the fashion world but I’m trying to include them a little more here on the blog (you may remember Copenhagen dad, this family last Christmas or the VERY ITALIAN cell phone dad outside of the Cafè!)

What do you think about this family’s style?   Personally, I think they all look really great, and it is a welcome change from the standard fashion that you find in the fall.  Granted they obviously have passion for fashion and the ability to invest in designer pieces, but I like to think that with a little insider’s knowledge this type of look can easily be obtained even on a budget.

Tomorrow I’ll be sharing what I wore to the market, and on Friday I’ll be talking about Christmas Markets in general with a reflection on the good, the bad and the obviously cheap!


I’m looking for a few co-hosts. if you would like to co-host with me I would love to have you!!  Please feel free to tweet me @reasonstodress or email me

I’m also having a really hard time getting the Instagram thing happening.  The whole idea was to get people WITHOUT a blog involved via instagram, but I’m still on a social media learning curve and don’t quite know what the best way is to get the word out.  So for now I’m not going to be featuring an instagrammer, but I AM going to think of a great incentive to get more non-blogging fashion moms involved via instagram, facebook, google+ and twitter….I just need to figure out how!  Have any ideas?  Drop me a line!!  Maybe a style dare?  What do you think?

#REASONSTODRESS Real Mom Street Style Linkup & Tag Party

Feel free to read all about this linkup here and what it stands for.  Every week I will feature looks from the linkup, an instagrammer who has tagged a photo #reasonstodress and a real mom in Italy or in the world!  The linkup happens every Tuesday but lasts all week, feel free to join at any time!   

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#reasonstodress – Fab Four

Sweaters Stripes and Sweets


Positively Stephanie

Sweet Parrish Place


Doused in Pink

Now it’s your turn!  #Reasonstodress

    Please feel free to tweet this out to help me spread the word of the linkup!

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