Chest Workout

By Mia_patterson

Chest Workout - Build Your Pectorals Fast - Explosive Workout!

To build pecs you have to do pec exercises which cause growth fast. My aim for you in this article is to tell you the exercises that you have to use to get bigger pectoral muscles. When doing a pec workout it's important to know what your focus is. If you want to make your pecs bigger then you should focus on causing pec growth. This is done by following the muscle building triangle...
Chest Workout - The Things You Need To Know
When you want to build your pecs you have to use the right exercises. There is a common mistake that guy make, which is not following the muscle building triangle and not using the proper exercises. Sure, bench pressing will help, but there are other exercises that can really boost the size of your pec muscles.
Chest Workout Without Weights - Pec Workout 1; Pec Exercise 1: Parallel Bar Dips
Parallel Bar Dips are not a popular exercise among most people who go to the gym because they are pretty tough to do. All you need to do is to find the parallel bars in your gym and mount them until your arms are straight and your feet are off the ground. Then the dips can begin... All you have to do for this pec exercise is to lower your body by bending your arms until your upper arm is parallel with the ground. Then push your body back up.
Chest Workout Without Weights - Workout 1; Exercise 2: T-Press Up
The T-Press Up is also a tricky exercise, but you can do it without using weights. This should be done immediately after the previous exercise. All you have to do is to do a standard press-up, and when you've pressed your body up you raise your left hand until it points to the ceiling (your whole torso will face the wall to the left side of you). Then control yourself as you lower your hand back to the start position, do another press-up and this time raise your right hand.
This exercise builds your pecs pretty well. It's called the T-Press Up because your body makes a shape like a 'T' (albeit on it's side!)
Chest Workout With Weights - Pec Workout 2; Pec Exercise 3: Bench Press
Bench pressing is the classic pec exercise. It is so popular because it works. All you have to do is lie on a workout bench with your feet flat on the ground, then you take the barbell off the bar stand and lower it to 1-2 inches above your chest, then push it back up until your arms are nearly straight.
Chest Workout With Weights - Workout 2; Exercise 4: Dumbbell Fly
Dumbbell Flies are another killer exercise to build pecs. What you have to do is to lie on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Then you raise the dumbbells above you so they're nearly touching. Then move them apart until your arms are out to each side at the same height as your chest. Then bring the dumbbells back up to the starting position.
To get an incredible physique you need to work on every aspect of your body! I'm Michael Ed Clarke and I've become an expert at muscle building in every muscle group in your body...