Chest Exercises and Explanations

By Mia_patterson

Top 4 Chest Exercises and Explanations - Learn Why These Exercises Work and How to Do Them Properly

When constructing a workout routine it is important to be well rounded and to use the right form. If you use sloppy form during your exercises you are only hurting the gains you could be making. Most people want to get the most out of there workout in the shortest time possible. These 4 chest exercises will build your chest up and leave you feeling pumped.
As with most of the body groups, compound exercises are going to be your best choice when it comes to picking which exercises to do. The chest is a big muscle group and there are different exercises to target the different parts but keep in mind it is still nearly impossible to build up one part of your chest more then another.

1. Flat Barbell Bench Press

This exercise is the best choice of chest exercises to hit the entire chest. When constructing a workout for your chest this is one of the best choices to get your chest to grow. You can either use a barbell or dumbbells. Dumbbells will allow you to build more stability with your muscles.
  • Main Muscle Group: Chest
  • Secondary Muscle Groups: Triceps, Shoulders
  • Equipment: Barbell
  • Type: Compound
  • Explanation: Lay flat on the bench with your feet planted firmly against the ground. Go back far enough so your eyes are directly underneath the bar. It is important to make sure your back if against the bench at all times. Place your hands about shoulders width on the bar with your thumb wrapped around the bar. Lift the bar and slowly lower it toward your lower chest. Without bouncing it off your chest press the bar until your arms are straight with your elbows locked.

2. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

The incline bench press is great at targeting your upper chest which is the part of the chest that makes you look like you have a sculpted chest. Incline bench and be done with as little as a 15 degree increase and you will still get the same effects with less shoulder work.
  • Main Muscle Group: Chest
  • Secondary Muscle Groups: Triceps, Shoulders
  • Equipment: Dumbbell
  • Type: Compound
  • Explanation: Set the incline of the bench anywhere from a 30-55 degree angle. Start by sitting on a bench and placing the dumbbells on both knees. One at a time lift your leg up to bring the dumbbells up to your shoulder. Slowly lay back on the bench with your back flat and your feet firmly planted on the ground. Slowly press the weight up concentrating on keeping your form and the weights under control. Bring the weights all the way up to the central point of your upper chest. Slowly bring them down, palms facing away, until your arms are just below parallel to the ground.

3. Dumbbell Flys

The dumbbell fly is an isolation movement that will really help your chest workout routine. The motion that you go through to do the dumbbell fly targets only your chest muscles and you can really squeeze them when you reach the top. If you haven't don't these before be ready to be sore in the morning!
  • Main Muscle Group: Chest
  • Secondary Muscle Groups: None
  • Equipment: Dumbbell
  • Type: Isolation
  • Explanation: Sit with your back flat on the bench and your feet firmly planted on the ground. Hold the dumbbells above your chest like you were going to do a dumbbell bench press but with your palms facing each other. Slowly lower the weights to each side trying to make a half circle (arc-like motion). Now slowly bring the weights back up in the same arc with your elbows being bent the same way during the whole repetition.

4. Pushups

The classic push up is great because you don't need equipment to do it. You can do pushes with either a normal or wide grip to target your chest more. You can also it on with your feet elevated to give more resistance.
  • Main Muscle Group: Chest
  • Secondary Muscle Groups: Triceps, Shoulders
  • Equipment: Body
  • Type: Compound
  • Explanation: The perfect chest exercise if you do not have any workout equipment. Start by kneeling down on the floor with your hands on the floor slightly wider then your shoulders. Lift yourself up to where you back is straight, your toes are on the ground and your palms are flat. In a very controlled manner lower your body to the floor until your body is nearly touching the ground. Push your body up until your arms are straight and locked. During the whole pushup make sure your entire body is straight. If you can not do enough reps with this form you can place your knees on the ground. This can be done with either normal or wide grip.
