Cherry Pie Overnight Oats (gluten Free, Vegan)

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

It's my dad's birthday today! Happy Birthday, Dad!

It's also President's Day AND National Cherry Pie Day. Bring out all the cakes, cookies, and desserts! It's time to celebrate!

While I wish it was ok to eat dessert all day long, dessert all day errrday won't lead to good things for our health or our waistlines. However, we can create healthy things that taste just as good as dessert!

So since I love dessert and since I love breakfast and since it's National Cherry Pie Day, I whipped up these Cherry Pie Overnight Oats!

If you've never made overnight oats before, check out my step-by-step tutorial on how to make them. They're incredibly easy, and the flavor possibilities are endless.

I usually make a chocolate banana version. These Vanilla Blueberry Oats are also mighty tasty, but these Cherry Pie Overnights Oats might just be my new favorite.

All you do is add your ingredients to a jar, give it a little shakey shakey, pop it in the fridge for a few hours or overnight (hence the name) and in the morning, you've got cherry pie for breakfast!

I topped mine off with some extra frozen cherries and almond butter, because almond butter really is the cherry on top of any cake pie (see what I did there?).

It's healthy. It'll keep you full for hours, and it tastes like dessert. Add that to your list of things to celebrate today.

Cherry Pie Overnight Oats {gluten free, vegan}

Fitful Focus

Let's Chat:
Are you a cherry pie fan?
What flavor of overnight oats should I make next?

This post is linked up with Meatless Mondays.