Check out Baggout

By Fashionfactive
Just a few years back I was the kind of shopper who would buy a product only when she has tried it for fit in the comfort of the trial room.Then I got bored of seeing the same stuff on people around me and consciously decided to become a savvy online shopper to cultivate my own unique sense of style. I did become an online shopper but the "savvy' part materialized only after a whole year of searching for new online shops and trying out the ones that were already famous.There are so many wonderful online shopping portals available that most of the times I was confused. I always kept wondering what if there was one site that had a list of all the websites and all the products available. Recently I came across and all my secret wishes came true .Baggout is a collection of best products available online that are liked and bought by other shopaholics from different websites.
Whats so unique about this website ?
  • The website is a one stop shop for buying products which are available across all e-commerce platforms.The good thing is that the items listed on baggout have been posted by some real user after she has purchased the same from an online store. 
  • There are two broad options available to the user for browsing Baggout’s product collection : Trending (what are the items that have been bought the most )and Friends stream (What are the items that have been bought or liked by friends/friends of friends on your social network) .
You girls wont believe the stuff I found on various sites through Baggout (Pictures below). I got redirected to amazing sites with lots and lots of cool products.
So , Check out Baggout and have a blast. Look what I found on Baggout.

Tan Shorts : Fashionara.comTank : Shoes and Bag : Done by None