Cheap Frills | Haul

By Kerysmarie @littleboblab
| Loose Lips Pendant Necklace | Oxblood Vintage Cocktail Ring | 18th Century Romance Earrings |   I've been a little naughty this week & splurged on an online shopping haul! - whoops. The first of my sofa shopping spree came from Cheap Thrills, a lovely little online jewelry store that's jam packed full of unusual necklaces & costume jewellery, perfect for gifts ideas at Christmas. - Only my purchases were for me.. Not Christmas..   I've been following them on Facebook and twitter for some time now & often found myself liking many of their customer photos. In particular I loved how well packaged each order was too. It's a lovely touch to see each bag wax sealed & I wasn't disappointed when I opened my jiffy bag to find my own sealed spotty bag, packed with my gorgeous new jewels.   I think my favorite is definitely the Oxblood ring, it's going to look super cute with my tartan outfit for Creatures birthday this weekend. & as you can see above, the Loose lips pendant looks amazing paired with my many jumper/shirt combos - I can see this being a new favorite with my new work uniform.   If you're looking for something unusual for a gift or even for yourself, get onto Cheap Frills, they won't break your bank & you're guaranteed first class service & products!   Which is your favorite piece of jewelry from Cheap Frills?   Bloglovin | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram