Chaplain Contemplations: Freedom.

By Jenrene

I was trying to think of what walking in my calling looks like. So I began to think about for the first time in my life, my " heart feels full."

I mean, I get this full feeling sometimes to the point I cannot even explain the emotion, and then I emotionally feel as if I'm about to explode ...with sheer joy.

It's happened more than once. It really has.

And just recently I looked up the definition of heart"; in the Vines dictionary and found this which so explicitly explains my feelings...

Heart is referred to as:

  1. The seat of physical life
  2. The seat of moral nature and spiritual life
  3. The seat of grief
  4. The seat of the affections
  5. The seat of perceptions
  6. The seat of the thoughts
  7. The seat of the understanding
  8. The seat of reasoning powers
  9. The seat of the imagination
  10. The seat of conscience
  11. The seat of the intentions
  12. The seat of purpose
  13. The seat of the will
  14. The seat of faith

ALL of this.. is in our hearts!! No wonder " out of it flows the issues of life!"

Of our sense of purpose , decision-making , our faith and intentions are all tied up in our heart- even our sorrows - that means everything meaningful flows out of the heart!

That why in that same scripture we ask you to "guard it with all diligence".

What does it look like for you to guard your heart? It means you watch over everything that concerns your purpose and your sense of well-being. All your hope, all your destiny and all your exchanges in life- with people, friends, family and your children .

What's in your heart is meaningful and should be kept secured in faith.

Because faith has substance you know. It can take root in your soul and change your lifestyle and change your outlook and perspective in life. It can encourage all those around you and help you to become a more rooted and grounded person.


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