Chaining Grok – Dealing With Dopamine

By Gjosefsberg @gjosefsberg

I was going to write this post for 60 in 3 but it became about a lot more than just overeating.  So go take a look at this dealing with dopamine post on Equally Happy, where I post general interest items that don’t quite fit here.  It’s definitely part of the Grok series since Dopamine is one of the ways in which Grok takes control and overrides our higher intelligence.  It’s essentially his way of getting us drunk with desire so we make poor decisions.

Keep that in mind when you walk by a dessert store and smell that chocolate or see a burger commercial on TV.  These are tricks marketers use on you to get Grok to flood your brain with Dopamine so you make poor decisions.  Recognizing that, or even better, avoiding it, will help you stay on a healthier course.