Cervello a Fumetti

Posted on the 29 May 2021 by Matteofarinella

This month a project I have been working for a few month was finally published. It’s a series of ‘animated’ illustrations commissioned by the Scuola IMT Alti Study di Lucca for a series of introductory videos about the brain called Il Cervello a Fumetti (Brain in Comics).
I know, it’s not technically a ‘comic’ but still I’m really happy with the result. Especially considering I made all these before seeing any of the footage. I was involved from the very beginning and worked on a script written by professor Emiliano Ricciardi in collaboration with AD Chiara Palmerini.

If you’re curious about how these were actually done: they are time-lapse video made straight from an iPad by ProCreate. It’s deceptively simple but it means that every single line I draw went straight into the final video, so I had to be very careful not to make any mistakes. I was tracing from (invisible) sketches previously agreed with the team, but even then I ended up redrawing some of them multiple times.

PS: on my website you can find stills of some of my favorite scenes!