Celebrity Lips | Which Celebrity Has The Hottest?

By Girlratesworld @girlratesworld

Which celebrity has the best lips?

It doesn’t matter if they are wearing a nude, bold, or matte lipstick. These ladies always bring “the luscious.”

I’ve chosen my top 3. I’m curious to hear who your celebrity lip loves are. Be sure to leave me a comment below or send me a tweet.

Angelina Jolie is the McMomma of lips. I dare anyone to say otherwise. They are always in full-pout mode. She is my #1 pick.

Taylor Swift has the lips of a candy fairy. They are super cute and distinctly-shaped. In my opinion, no one can work a pure red lipstick the way she can right now. She is my #2 pick.

Rhianna’s lips are so popular that MAC created a lipstick for them. RiRi Woo anyone? Who came blame them really? Rhianna has a cupid’s bow that’s worthy of attention. She is my #3 pick.

Celebrity Lips: Who Has the Hottest? infographic