Celebrating Turning 59 Years Old

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley

I turned 59 a couple of weeks ago.Which means next yearI turn into my new decade of 60.
I have been so busy most of my years in my 50 's I hadn't really given 60 much of a thoughtuntil about 6 months ago when it hit, out of the blue that I would soon be 60!
I had been sailing along just finewith age pride of my 50's without much thought of a new decade on the horizon.
And to be completely honestit really made me pauseas inhow could I soon be turning 60!!
Then I began to realize it wasn't the 60that scared meas much as it was my outdated view of  being 60.
So I realized I needed to redefine for myselfwhat 60 really meantand what 60 could really look like!To discover every gift this time in life has too offer!
Because I am a firm believerto have a quality, joyful, meaningful lifeintentions must be set.
Much effort needs to be madeto find all the good to be found innot only each daybut each time of life.
So I am on an adventure this yearand now every year for the next 10to findthe best of what the 60 decade can bring.
I want to own all of my yearswith pride and gratitude!

My favorite thing  alreadyabout being on the brink of 60 is the sense of urgency in life.
The ... if not now, when!The reality is that I have a limited amount of years left on this planet.How do I really want to spend the remaining years I have.
Right off the batI know I no longer want to spend timefocusing on perceived flawsbut rather celebrating myself and what I have accomplished.To truly put into practice, the act ofCrowning Myself.I no longer have time for self doubt and criticism!I truly cringe at the time I have wasted being self critical of my own body and self.Time I could have put into a myriadof other creative and loving pursuits!I want to accept and celebratemy own gifts!
What if one day we could choose to wake uplook in the mirror and sayI Love You Just the Way You Are!
I believe we can.And I intend to do so.
I intend to continue to invest in my own bodywith loving physical activity, nutritionall the new proaging health benefits science has to offer.I have lived too many yearsbeing hard and critical of my body and self.
No more.I am going to invest lovingly and joyfullyin my body, mind and soul.
I intend to replace fear of aging with gratitude for the process of agingand the gifts to be foundwith each new year.
I am also going to focus on all of the fabulousproaging women who arefurther down the path than myself.Women who are day in and day outredefining what aging looks like.
Like for examplethe gorgeous Judith ofStyle Cronewho turned 75 this yearand continues to not only inspirebut makes aging itselfaspirational!
Each of us can choose to help change the perceptionof what aging really looks liketo inspire those coming behind us!

Because the truth isthe more we love ourselves in the aging processthe more we have to contribute to people in our livesand life itself.
I want to redefine my ownLife Mission Statement this next yearwith an intentionof how I want to truly use my remaining time on the planet.
I know I want to fill my days withgratitude and lovemaking time for creative pursuits.And I also knowI want to make so much time simply forJOY.

I want to value my healthandbe gratefulfor each and every day I have living in a healthy body.
I want to be able to invest in and nurture others inSelf Love and Self Acceptance.I want to feel that I can share the lessons I have learnedto help enrich the lives of others.
I intend to embrace and celebrateall that my new decade will have to offer!

As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life