Celeb Sunday - Michelle Williams!

By Thebeautyscoop
Now, I'm not usually a fan of hair cropping these days - every hair style I get drawn to always has a little length to if, even if it's just a bob! So, it's quite strange that I was drawn to Michelle Williams new hairstyle, since it is exactly what I'm not drawn to - a crop!
It's got to be said, I think she really suits it - I mean I like her with long hair too, but she has such amazing bone structure that she pulls off the look beautifully. I think her simple make-up  looks amazing too, her lashes look fabulous, her skin and cheeks glowing, and her lips luscious, implying a natural beauty that needs no time spent on make-up (but we all know how difficult it is to achieve the no make-up make-up, don't we)!
What do you think, do you like it? Or do you prefer her with long hair?