Cars 3 Wins the Kids- Movie Review

By Prakash Parasuraman @aniseprakash

Cars movie review: If I lose I will never get to do this again. Don't fear failure; be afraid of not having the chance. You have the chance. I used to watch you on TV, flying through the air, you seem so fearless.

Plot summary: Lightning McQueen has grown old and he is facing new breed of cars in the track. He fails to keep up with the change. But, McQueen needs to prove who he is. He gets help from Cruz Ramirez. What did Cruz do to help McQueen? How McQueen beats other cars forms the 109 minute pixel pictorial.

Directed by: Brain Fee

Produced by: Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios

Starring: Owen Wilson, Cristela Alonzo, Chris Cooper

Running time: 109 minutes

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Goosebumps review: A must watch for Cars fans and a savior of the franchise. A decent plot with great visuals, the last half an hour is a treat and saves the slow first half. Goosebumps guaranteed.

Critics: (3.5 / 5) Audience: (3.75 / 5)

Cars 3 movie review:

Pixar has changed the way animation movies are received. They have excelled in catching audience's minds through Toy Story, Wall-E, The Incredibles and Inside out. Cars were not probably the one among them.

The franchise has lagged when Cars 2 hit the screens. But, Cars 3 has changed the course of the franchise. Though the story is not new, the way it unfolds keep the audience engaged, especially the last half an hour.

If you liked Cars 1 then Cars 3 will make you love the franchise (Cars 2 might not). The characterization was near perfect. The voices of Owen Wilson as McQueen and Cristela Alonzo as Cruz Ramirez add the charm to the movie.

Visually the movie is as good as every Pixar movies. Kids will celebrate the movie for sure. A worthy watch if you like animation movies. A must watch if you love the Cars franchise.