Caramels and #InaFriday

By Veronica46

I made Ina’s Fleur de sel Caramels for Ina Friday this month. They were delicious, but I have to tell you, if you do not have a candy thermometer, don’t even think about making these. You need to get your caramel to a firm ball stage and you need a thermometer for that. A few degrees difference and you could end up with a caramel sauce instead of a caramel. I know that the recipe says it takes 10 minutes to get it to firm ball stage, double that. It took me from 20-30 minutes to get there. It was however so worth the fuss. Everyone thinks I am a rock star for making this.

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Here’s the schedule:

  • Desserts/Other:  July
  • Appetizers:  August
  • Salads, Soups, Sides:  September
  • Main Courses:  October

Stop in and see what our fine writers are cooking up on the first Friday of each month:

Peace be with you,
