Canson Paper Technique for Car Sketches and Illustrations

By Luciano

Fiat Seicento rendering by Luciano Bove

Today I would like to talk a bit about an old but still strong rendering technique: The Canson Paper Technique.
The idea is to illustrate and color anything (cars as well as products or architecture) using as primary color base the Canson paper color. So we choose a medium cold gray or a bleu or tuscan red color paper named Canson and after we apply our light line drawing of our subject.
Later on we use a super dark cool gray marker (like a N° 8 or 9) and we color shadows. After this step we have 2 choices to move on:
1. we use color chalks (pastels) - Light Cream + a close darker color of our base paper color for darker areas.
2. we use color pencils soft type like Prismacolor and we will use the White for all light reflections and some Black - and a darker color than our paper color to make darker areas of our subjects
Once we finish our illustration we will use a White Guache for highlights (we can mix the White Guache with a bit of our chalk color if we want).
At the end we finish working again a bit our original linedrawing using White soft pencil for the highlighted areas (whe the light is hitting our subject) and the dark black soft pencil for the area in shadow. Do not forget to use a little bit of Black marker on ground shadow and glass reflections to give better depth to the all illustration.
Here an example of one of my illustrations made for the Fiat Seicento project.
More samples here click: Canson Paper renderings!

Here you have a nice simple tutorial click: Canson Paper Tutorial!
Try and enjoy!