Cancer or Not; You are Beautiful
For many women,there is nothing as fabulous as high fashion. The look of the clothes, shoesand accessories combined with the perfect design of each and the feeling thatthey give women when they see them and wear them is indescribable. When womenfeel the need to feel beautiful, confident and powerful, many turn to shoppingwhere they then pick up high fashion items that make them feel amazing simplyby touching the high quality materials and fabrics. When a woman puts on a pairof high fashion shoes or a great designer outfit, she will automatically feelmore beautiful and more confident than she has in her life. Fashion simply hasa way of making women feel good.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, a cancer diagnosis has a way of makingwomen feel bad. Learning their prognosis after being diagnosed with any form ofcancer, such as mesothelioma, is adifficult time in a woman’s life. What happens is a range of emotions takesover and she suddenly feels powerless and loses her confidence. She may alsofind it difficult to feel beautiful again, because she knows that she may loseher hair or a lot of weight. What is most unfortunate about the way a cancerdiagnosis makes a woman feel is the fact that she needs to feel confident,beautiful and powerful to help her to overcome her disease. Fighting cancer isdifficult enough without the added stress of feeling a lack of confidence andpower and women need to do whatever they can to regain their confidence to helpthem fight their cancer diagnosis.
To do this, women can always turn to high fashion. Walking into her doctor’s office for around of radiation or chemotherapy in a pair of amazing high fashion stilettosor a great pair of designer flats will make a woman feel instantly better aboutherself. Additionally, wearing a great pair of high fashion pants or jeans, oreven a dress, will do the same. Looking good is an automatic way women can feelgood. Feeling good about themselves is a great way to boost their confidenceand make them feel more powerful.
A woman with cancer that wants to use fashion to feel better about herselfshould think of the times she has felt the most beautiful, confident andpowerful in her life. Perhaps she never feels more confident than she does whenshe goes to work; wearing a power suit makes her feel good. Or maybe it was herwedding day; high fashion and feminine glamour will help her to feel confidentand beautiful. From there, women should choose similar looks and they willautomatically feel more beautiful in their own skin; cancer or not.