Can You Reheat Takoyaki? Yes! Use These Quick & Easy Methods

Posted on the 15 November 2020 by Sp00kje

Let’s say you went out over the weekend and you got some takoyaki at your local restaurant. You decided that it would be a great snack for later and so you took some home with you.

But as you look at your leftovers you may be wondering, can I reheat this delicious takoyaki?

You can reheat takoyaki. In fact, there are several ways of reheating takoyaki and in the microwave or oven work perfectly. Takoyaki is supposed to be eaten hot, not cold so it’s well worth the time to reheat.

Reheating takoyaki in the microwave

The first and, arguably, the fastest method of heating up your takoyaki is by using a microwave. When reheating takoyaki in the microwave, you need to consider several factors.

How much takoyaki will you be heating up? What is the wattage of your microwave? How long do you want the takoyaki to heat for?

Let’s say you have a 600-watt microwave. If you are heating up ten or fewer pieces of takoyaki, then you will want to only have them in the microwave for three to four minutes.

You will put them in for less time if you have a microwave with a higher output than 600 watts. Just be careful with how long you heat takoyaki, as excessive heating time can cause the takoyaki to burst.

Also read: have you considered a takoyaki maker like these to start making it yourself?

Reheating takoyaki in the oven

Another method you may want to consider is baking your leftover takoyaki in a conventional oven. This method is slower, but if done correctly it will give your takoyaki a nice crispy exterior to complement the soft interior.

For an oven, you will want to place your takoyaki onto a baking sheet. It is recommended that you line the baking sheet with aluminum foil so that there will be less of a mess to clean.

As far as heating up the takoyaki goes, you will set the oven to 375 °F. If your takoyaki is not frozen you will only need to heat it up for five minutes.  If your leftovers were frozen then you will need ten or more minutes.

Will reheated takoyaki be any good?

While reheated food will never be as good as when it was fresh, your takoyaki will still be enjoyable if you reheat it correctly. The method you use will depend on how much of a rush you are in to eat.

If you prefer your takoyaki to be a little softer, then the microwave is your best bet. But if you like your takoyaki with a crispy outside, then the oven is the recommended method.

Also read: these are some delicious vegan takoyaki balls you can try