Can Car Maintenance Rekindle Your Sex Life? Aunty Bill Answers

By Gingerfightback @Gingerfightback

Dear Aunty,

My wife and I have been married for over 80 years and are now both in our hundreds. I am happy just to sit by the fire, on fire and file me bunions. However Maude has recently started vehicle maintenance classes at the local college.

Whilst I have no objection, I am disturbed by her constant references to giving my “starting handle a good tug” and checking that my “crank” is in working order. This isn’t the women I married all those years ago.

Any advice?

Henry Ford


Aunty Bill Replies;

Dear Henry

Whilst the delights of filing your bunions satisfies your cravings, Maude obviously desires more in the twilight of her years.Show an interest in her new found direction. Tell her if you can buff her headlamps she can by all means give your starting handle a tug. Next time you’re both working on that dodgy gearbox of hers ask if she can pass you the spanners as she tightens your nuts.

With time you’ll see the pleasure she derives from getting down and dirty with a set of jump leads (be careful there though old timer) and use the opportunity to regularly check her big end is in working order.

There’s more to life than Lumbago and bunions (to paraphrase Morrissey)

Toot toot!
