Can a Ketogenic Diet Be Beneficial in Cancer Treatment?

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Here's a new short highlight from Dr. Angela Poff's very popular presentation about ketogenic diets and cancer. Watch it above ( transcript).

The full 45-minute presentation is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership:

Exploiting Cancer Metabolism with Ketosis - Dr. Angela Poff

Start your free membership trial to get instant access to this and over 175 video courses, movies, interviews, or other presentations. Plus Q&A with experts, etc.


Here's what our members have said about the presentation (in additon to giving it a 4.9 star rating):

To everyone involved, thank you for making this knowledge available to wider audience.
As grateful as I am that the research is being done, I can't help but to wonder if it has been known for some 85 years that cancer is highly dependant on glucose - why wasn't there any non-carbohydrate diet research done a long time ago?
- Niklas

The more I learn about the effects of a ketogenic diet, the more I am amazed at its potency to heal and prevent diseases. The ongoing research is very promising and offers hope to those afflicted by cancer. Thank you for making these videos available!
- Francoise

Thank you for explaining how a cancer cell is created within our bodies. Now I understand cancer. Excellent, excellent presentation. THANK YOU.
- Karen

I read about this many years ago long before I heard about keto. Check for lots more information on this subject. Excellent presentation. Thank you.
- David

Exploiting Cancer Meatabolism with Ketosis - Dr. Angela Poff

The presentation is from this year's Low Carb USA. It's the top low-carb conference in the US. Next year's conference will take place August 3 - 6, 2017 in San Diego. Sign up now for an early bird discount (50% off).