Cagri Raydemir: Jumping to Conclusions

Posted on the 25 June 2024 by Hctf @hctf

To call German multi-instrumentalist Cagri Raydemir prolific would be a huge understatement. His new EP Jumping to Conclusions is his 20th release since 2010, with most of his music in the progressive niche: firmly radio-unfriendly but very interesting time signatures, multi-layered guitars, and slightly pontificating lyrics about the human condition.

Raydemir is pretty good at using tension and release, alternating between acoustic and electric guitar. His musical guest, trumpet player Julian Hesse added a bit extra jazz-tinged color to Impulsive Judgement and Pigeonholed, definitely a collaboration that should be explored in depth on his future releases.

Jumping to Conclusions is available via Reverbnation.

  1. Plain Observation
  2. Impulsive Judgement
  3. Pretending Ears
  4. Pigeonholed

» Cagri Raydemir on Instagram