But Where Do You Get Your Protein?

By Chuck Underwood @brandnewvegan

But Where Do You Get Your Protein?

I love this question, and yeah – as Vegans you’ll be asked this a lot….. so take notes.

So How Are You Going To Get Enough Protein?

Easy!  We get our Protein from the same place the Cows do! 

Same place the Chickens do….

Same place the Fish do….

From the PLANTS!

Look at some of our most powerful animals on the planet….

  • Horses
  • Elephants
  • Oxen
  • Buffalo
  • Gorillas

Where do THEY get their protein???

Do you see them sucking down protein shakes after a hard workout?  How about munching on a protein bar because they felt like a snack?  Or maybe sitting around a BBQ with their buds, while their neighbor Bob is slowly turning on the spit?

Heck no!  That’s CRAZY!

They eat plants of course, and they get ALL the nutrition they need.

They get all their Protein, Calcium, Vitamins, Fiber, everything!

But Speaking of Fiber…


The question we SHOULD be asking in response to the Protein question is:

So Where Do YOU Get Your Fiber?

Because 97% of Americans are fiber deficient.

Here is an excerpt from Dr. Greger’s Article:

One problem is that most people have no idea what’s in their food; more than half of Americans think steak is a significant fiber source. By definition, fiber is only found in plants. There is no fiber in meat, dairy or eggs, and little or no fiber in junk food. Therein lies the problem. Americans should be eating more beans, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains—but how are they doing?

96% of Americans don’t eat the minimum recommended daily amount of beans, 96% don’t eat the measly minimum for greens, and 99% don’t get enough whole grains. Nearly the entire U.S. population fails to eat enough whole plant foods.

They actually think steak has fiber?  Really?  And let me clue you in….it doesn’t come in a little orange bottle either…..

Look, it’s really simple.

Eat your plants.  Eat your whole grains.  Eat your Beans & Legumes.

You’ll get all the Fiber you need, along with all the Protein, Calcium, and everything else too.

Plants for the Win!