Buried Treasure Blog - Presenting: Tons of Stuff to Read

By Kipper @pghsportsforum
Hey guys, I'm new here. I was lucky enough to have my blog noticed by Kipper and he directed me to this forum and I have to say it looks pretty sweet so far. He was kind enough to give me permission to link stuff from a blog I write so here's a quick overview of stuff I've recently written. Admittedly, most of it's geared towards minor leagues and the farm system.
First off I've got three versions of potential trade targets the Pirates could go after this offseason. A few of the ideas are a bit outdated (thanks to the addition of Russell Martin), but there are some interesting players on the market that the Pirates could acquire.
Three versions of potential trade targets (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
Next up is some MLB Draft information. The info is really early - the Draft is not till June - but it's still helpful. Three articles highlight some of the top prospects for next years draft. The one other article looks at players formerly drafted by the Pirates that are eligible for the 2013 Draft and their stock. It's pretty interesting. I'll add more articles, including a Mock Draft, as time goes on.
MLB Draft Information
I also have a top 30 prospect list exclusively for the Pirates system with detailed write-ups of all of them. I'm releasing them in reverse order and I'm nearly 1/3rd of the way through the list. Below is a link to the page with the list. The list then contains link to each player profile.
Top 30 Prospect list
Unlike years past, the Pirates farm system is deep enough to have interesting prospects that I don't feel are in the top 30 prospects. In a slightly different format, I take a look at those prospects in a mini-series titled 31+
That covers the bulk of what I've been writing recently, but there are a few other articles on Buried Treasure. Just look for them in the blog archive on the right side of the page.
Enjoy reading and feedback would be awesome! Thanks! Also, I'm really looking forward to being part of the community here and learning a ton from everyone.