Bumble and Bumble Pret-A-Powder

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris

Bumble and Bumble Pret-a-powder Bumble and Bumble Pret-a-powder 2 Bumble and Bumble Pret-a-powder 3

Hey There,

When it comes to my hair, I’m pretty shocking, I barely blow dry it, let alone straighten or style it. I’m envious of the girls who seem to be able to chuck their hair up in a matter of seconds and get that messy look without looking like they’ve just rolled out of bed. Or get those effortless bouncy waves and volume, that last all day. Well not me, my top knot only looks good when I’m not going anywhere (Typical), and after two hours with the curling tong, my hairs basically straight two hours later.

As you can imagine I’ve tried many a hair tool and products to get that swish-able, Cheryl Cole like locks. And I’m a sucker for anything that promises such, and I’ve got the shit to prove it.

My most recent purchase and one I had high hopes for, was Bumble and Bumble Pret-A-Powder. Not only has this been deemed a hero product in the beauty blogger world, but Natasha from the Southampton counter managed to transform my hair with a few puffs of the powder and a brush. She built volumes of heights my hair has never been before. I mean it was unbelievable, like Bridgitte Bardot style. Even my big head looked small.

So you know where this is going…

A few months later on I’ve still got a 3/4 full Pret-A-Powder, and have come to the conclusion I’d better stick with Bastiste. As to me, this product is nothing but an expensive powder form, dry shampoo. To put it bluntly.

Now I can hear the Bumble lovers gasp. This may be a holy grail product for most, but I’m serious. I can’t exactly slate the product, as it worked at the counter, I’m simply slating my abilities at styling my own. I have epicly failed again. Time to hang up the hair stylist ambition.

Have you tried any Bumble and Bumble products? How do you get your hair looking bouncy?

Lots of love,
