Buenos Dias

By Maradam @laura_fash

Just woke up with the sun shining in my face like the last couple days (literally, although it feels like ages already!). I am now going for a run along the beach to see how the city woke up on this 22nd of December. Really crazy how time flies by, as I’ve said before on the blog, just one year ago I was in Hawaii and now I am here having on my backpack a year full of experiences (I mean, moving to the Netherlands, learning a new language, living with my bf, switching jobs, hallo?!). My life is completely opposite as it was last year but that’s what’s so interesting for me; let life get to you and just follow it. It will take you to amazing places.

I will also try to snap an outfit later today because it’s been literally a month since I did one, but I don’t know what I am going to wear at all. I came to my parents’ house with Ohana and her clothes but I didn’t pack any of mine because I assumed I had enough here. I might be in trouble…