Brussels Tops

By Mwillis
After providing us with two 2-person servings of sprouts, my single "Brilliant" Brussels Sprout plant is finished - all but the Top, that is. The Top (growing tip) of a Brussels Sprout plant is just like a Cabbage and should be treated as such. You seldom see Brussels Tops for sale in the shops, despite the vast quantities of sprouts that we consume, so presumably they are thrown away and thus wasted. Not in my garden, they aren't!
It was cold and wet when I cut my Brussels Top, so I didn't photograph it outdoors like I normally do, but here it is, disassembled ready for cooking:

I have kept only the best bits, and discarded any damaged leaves, or ones affected by the Sooty Mould. There was still a decent amount left, including some dark green leaves, some pale green ones, and even a few more sprouts - though these are very tiny.

Maybe if I show those sprouts in close-up I can pretend that they are big...?

I am planning to cook a meal based on Venison tomorrow, so this Brussels Top will make a suitable accompaniment. I'll serve it very plain - just shredded and then boiled in salted water for a couple of minutes until tender.

Any that is left over will probably go into some Bubble and Squeak, just like the Savoy Cabbage from last weekend...