Our makeshift Parian Spirit version basically consists of the daiso detergent and this container that was designed to hold chives. {Detergent}: This is a relatively small bottle, containing 80mls (2.8oz), and it claims to be a safe cleaner mostly composed detergent that’s "kind to the skin and sponges". The liquid is scentless, clear, and slightly thick, however not as thick as the dishwashing detergents. {Container}: Truth be told, we hunted the entire Daiso store down for something that had a cross-hatch texture, and finally we found this! It’s a compact container with the removeable green cross-hatch filter and the size fits the detergent in perfectly after you’re done with using it :)
1. Add a few drops of the detergent into the container
2. Fill with lukewarm water up a little past where the cross-hatched filter is, then swish a few times for the bubbles to show up
3. Brush up and down against the cross-hatches with your brush until clean
4. Rinse off brushes with cold water
5. Leave to dry on an angle :)
That's it! Although depending on the amount of brushes, and how dirty they are, you'll need to adjust the amount of detergent to add. I was only washing the Sigma E60 and a few smaller eye brushes when taking the photos below, so I only needed about 3-5 drops, and didn't fill the water up too high. I have found myself tipping the water out and repeating the process if I'm washing denser face brushes, and even rewashing to make sure the water comes out clear.
{Pro's} One of the best things about this detergent is that it won't leave soap residue between the brush hairs, which means you don't have to rinse and rinse.. and rinse your brushes. No matter how many times you rinse your brushes (after using soap/baby shampoo), there will always be that little watery rainbow peeking out when you pull apart the brush hairs- super annoying! The texture of the cross-hatches allows you to make sure that the detergent solution comes in contact with each brush hair; a definite plus over swishing the brush around in your palms.
{Con's} Nowhere on the detergent does it say that it's antibacterial. For sensitive skinners, this is an issue; but to counteract this, I personally use anti-bacterial handwash to wash my brushes every few weeks.
As you can see from the images, this cleaned my brush quite effectively, and really quickly as well :)
Thought the .gif would be fun to add in to illustrate what we mean by storing the detergent perfectly, and you can also use it to store dirty brushes you need to clean!
For a total of $5.60, this is definitely a cheap and effective solution to your brush cleaning woes!
What do you use for brush cleaning?