
By Rubytuesday
I've been called brave a few times in my life
My Mother has called me brave a lot over the years
In treatment they said I was brave
I'm not convinced
Let's talk about brave
Brave rises before the sun
And takes a two hour train ride to work
Brave gets up many time in the night to feed a hungry baby
Brave fights in wars and battles
In the world
And in their own head
Brave believes they can
Even when they are told over and over again that they can't
Brave is themselves
Even when they are told it's not enough
Brave falls down seven times
And gets up eight
Brave faces cold mornings
And frosty air
To make  sure that their children eat that day
Brave stands up to the bullies in this world
Brave leaves their home to start over
To make a better life for themselves and their family
Brave doesn't give up
Even when everyone else has
Brave believes that things can and will get better
Even when their world is crumbling
Brave speaks their truth
Even when others try to silence them
Brave is honest
Doesn't know how to be any other way
Brave holds it together
Even when they feel like they are dying inside
Brave faces their demons head on
And does it with grace and poise
Brave works long hours
Early mornings
And late nights
Brave fights for what they believe in
To the bitter end
Brave faces their bullies
And won't let them bring her down
As a result of brave
Families get reared
Jobs get done
Lives are saved
The truth gets told
Wars are fought and won
Brave is your Mother
Your Father
The woman who begs on the corner of the street
The farmer who gets up at day break every morning
The nurse who tends to sick people day after day
The child who dares to be different
The Mum who is sleep deprived
The Dad who braves the cold morning to watch his son play football
Brave is not some huge act of courage
It's the little things
The little things that go largely unnoticed
But that we would miss of they weren't there