Brands InnerShine Ruby Collagen Essence Trail Review (Somewhat Sponsored to a Certain Extend)

By Ireviewuread

OK this posts is wayyy overdue but anyways, here is it! (I got this while participating in a trail earlier this year)

Because of my tight schedule, my dad had to pick this up for me. Thanks Dad! 

In 1 trail box, it contains 10 bottles of Innershine RubyCollagen!

Ok let’s hop in the review portion! 

Basically this Skin collagen claims that it can help improve your skin conditions from deep within.  

Time for the taste test!

When I first open the cap, a sweet pomegranate smell greeted my scents.

As I poured it out, I noticed that it’s not as watery as it looks. It actually have a fair amount of thickness. 

Time to drink this!…. If I have 1 word to describe the Ruby Collagen Essence it would be Sour! The sour pomegranate taste will actually become stronger as you swallow the collagen. Other then the pomegranate taste, unrecognizable taste can be detected. Overall, as the days pass, I got use to the sourness and I find the collagen quite nice tasting. 

So, after taking this Collagen for about a week plus, I noticed that….. Nothing have changed. I guessed you prolly need 6 weeks for the changes to be visible so getting yourself 1 Box is not enough to see changes.

For more information check out the Brands InnerShine Facebook page HERE