Boy + Kite: We Can Go Anywhere We Want

Posted on the 02 May 2013 by Hctf @hctf
photo: Mandie Matos

Austin TX quartet Boy + Kite peddle the kind of college rock that was huge in the Nineties. A bit of tamed noise rock, soft spoken vocals and two guitars weaving a tapestry. They have released their new EP We Can Go Anywhere We Want, but it doesn't travel much musically. They nicked some licks from The Cure in FallRight Above Me (also included as an extended remix) and channel Belly in All the Good Lies. All nice an cuddly - foreplay without the sex.

Boy + Kite:
Darvin Jones: vocals, lead guitar
Beth Puorro: vocals, guitar
Giuseppe Ponti: bass
Marc Henry: drums

We Can Go Anywhere We Want is a self-released EP. Buy it from CD Baby.

  1. Right Above Me
  2. All the Good Lies
  3. Fall
  4. Our July
  5. Right Above Me (Extended)

Live dates:
  • 05/05 Pecan Street Festival, Austin, TX
  • 05/16 Holy Mountain, Austin, TX
