Borrowed Inspiration for Your Week: Presidents Day Edition and a Life Revelation

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

Good Morning BlogFollowers!  I’ve got to go in to work at the department store that will remain nameless  for the big Presidents’ Day Sale.  Otherwise I would have had the day off because schools are off for Presidents’ Day.  But in the spirit of patriotism I thought I’d get you some borrowed inspiration patriotic style.

pattern from Cherry Ln Designs: here’s the linky

At $12 + shipping and no materials included I think this Etsy Pattern is a little (lot) overpriced (to give you an idea, most HAED 16-20somthing page patterns only cost between $12-19).  But I love the eyelet design, it reminds me of fireworks, which is fitting for both Presidents’ Day and the 4th of July so you could get some use out of this piece if you’re thinking decoration time.  I’m not sure I’ll find myself buying this one anytime soon, but it’s a lot of fun to look at.

And because a lot of my followers aren’t American, I’ve decided to include some inspiration for those of you reading this over the ocean, so here’s some patriotic inspiration for all you British followers.

Union Jack Flag Cross Stitch from Cherry Ln Designs, here’s the linky.

Again, $12 seems a little steep for this pattern, but this one is even more detailed than the American flag pattern so it might be worth it.  If you’re interesting in trying your hand with either one of these designs I’ve included the link for purchase in the caption section of each picture.

I’ve managed to make a little progress with my “Leo” project, although it’s hard to tell I’ve done much because all the colors blend together (I’ve actually got 3 colors going, but you’d never be able to tell the way they all blend together).

Surprisingly I’ve actually got about half a page done here, so I’m making more progress than I expected to in a couple of weeks.  But once the full time teaching job starts that will be ground to a stop.  My long-term sub job will be starting any day now and I’m very excited to get back in the classroom.  I’m reading to teach, get to know some new students, and make a decent salary.  Of course there’s still no luck on the permanent job front but I’ve got another 7 schools to send out letters of interest to next week (which will make a total of 17 so far) so at least I’m not standing still (although some days it feels like it).

My biggest feat of last week was (after about 5 years in the making) finishing “The Kite Runner”!!  Applause is appreciated.  It actually did get a little better than in the beginning, but I’m still not crazy about it.  It’s not bad, I finished it, I’ll enjoy listening to my students discuss it, but it’s not a book I’d pick up and read over and over again.  I’m also about half way through “Every Day” which I’m loving so far and hope to have finished by tomorrow (if not later today)  so that’s one I think you should all go read, but “The Kite Runner” is a hit or miss.  I’m getting a little overwhelmed with all the books I have on my to-read list, it’s passed the 320 mark and I’m still adding to it.  I’m not sure when I’m going to have time to get through all these book…  But at the same time it’s kind of a good feeling.  Knowing that no matter how long I live I’ll have books to read.  At least that’s some kind of certainty.  I may not know if I’ll have a permanent teaching job next year, or where my life will end up in 5, but at least I’ll have books to read.