Borrowed Inspiration for Your Week: Fiction as Art

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

Good morning fellow bloggers.  Hope you have all kinds of exciting plans for this week.  I’ve got two more weeks until I am officially a grad student and I’m getting more and more excited for my classes the closer they get.  Of course that excitement will wear off quickly as soon as I get my list of assignments and due dates to be replaced with panic and stress.  But it’s worth it

For today’s borrowed inspiration I picked a craft that I’ve seen a lot of other bloggers talking about these past few weeks.  So it’s a borrowed-borrowed inspiration.  If you’re a fan of all things bookish this is the craft for you.  Pop-Up book art.  Honestly, I’m always a little sad to think of the books that have been ruined in pursuit of this art…but maybe if they’re bad books…

I couldn’t find a tutorial for the books themselves, but this video gives you somewhere to start.  And the card is pretty cool too.  If you click to the actually video there’s a link for the template you can download.

And here are some more pictures to get you inspired for the week.