Borrowed Inspiration for Your Week: Books As Movies Edition

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

Hello fellow bloggers!  For a while there I was worried I wasn’t going to have time to write any new posts but (at the sacrifice of my stitching) I’ve carved out some time to take care of this week.  Hope you’re all doing well, it’s been about a week since I’ve been able to check all of your blogs but I’m catching up.  I’ve started to work about 16-18 hours a day and it’s taking a toll.  I’m hoping that this week I can push to get caught up *and* work ahead so I’ll be able to carve out some me time this weekend…we’ll see how it goes.  It seems like things always come up to keep me from doing what I have planned.

Anyway, that’s neither here nor there, except that it’s a good excuse for why I haven’t made any real progress on anything this week.

I did manage to pick out something to get your creativity going this week.  If you’re a fan of fantasy these characters are near and dear to your heart already, so why not take the plunge and stitch them into your house too.

If you’re interested in purchasing it’s 3.5GBP and here’s the link

The only thing I don’t like about this pattern is that the store owner’s name is “XStitchMyHeart” which is too close to my blog/twitter handle for comfort.  Not to mention very confusing as I looked at her shop and thought “I didn’t design this…or create an etsy store”.  It’s like crafty identity theft.  Except she’s from England and I’m not so I guess it’s only fair that someone on a different continent be allowed to share (well, sort of share, the pronouns are different) my name.  And I just love the Hobbit character line up she’s put together.  I guess I could have lied and told you it was mine…

Against all odds I did manage to finish TWO books this week (but only because Friday was a school wide “read-in” day and I got to read for 3 full class periods).  Sadly both of the books were disappointing.  The first was a Stephen King/Joe Hill (for those of you who don’t know Joe Hill is King’s son) novella called “In the Tall Grass.”  I’ll leave the reviewing for the official review which is yet to be written, but it was not near King’s best and was a lot of rehashing old plots.  The second was the one I’d been working on for a while “Cut, Crop, Die”.  This cozy mystery was so un-intriguing I actually fell asleep during the climax.  It’s not that the book was bad, it just wasn’t my cup of tea.  When I think “cozy mystery” I think Miss Marple, and this scrapbooking heroine just didn’t have the same kind of charm.

I’m currently reading “The Paris Wife” and hoping it’s as good as I’ve heard it is.  Anyone read it already?  What’d you think?

Hope you all have an excellent week.  Feel free to let me know what you’re reading/working on in the comments.  And don’t forget to follow me on twitter @Xstitchurheart and friend me on goodreads