Borrowed Inspiration for Your Week

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

Good morning bloggers, hope you’re reading for some inspiration this early in your week, give you something to aspire to for the rest of the week.  I wanted to something quirky and summer themed this week and I thought about make-your-own swimsuits.  Then I thought back to high school and the “make your own prom dress” challenge (for those of you who aren’t familiar, ducttape offers scholarship money to any couple who make their dress  and suit out of ducttape) and thought about a ducttape swimsuit edition.

Unfortunately after looking up “how to make a duct tape swimsuit” on Google every image was a little too inappropriate to post here.  Which was a disappointment, as I thought there’d be a lot more hipster diyers out there than scantily clad girls looking for internet attention.

Since that idea didnt pan out I thought I’d go a more traditional route and look up a ducttape craft that’s a little elss controversial.  So below you will find instructions for how to make your own boquet, maybe make some manly flowers for dad this Sunday?

And here are some finished projects (brought to you by a less disturbing google search) to continue the inspiration.

I’d say, depending on how many flowers you want to make and how many colors you want to use this craft would only take about 5-10 minutes and now you have a set of flowers in customized colors, patterns, and designs that will never die on you.  Let me know if you end up doing this project this week, post links to pictures!  Hope you all have a fantastic week, do something crafty, read some good books, and don’t forget to share!  You can get in touch on the twitter @Xstiturheart or on goodreads.