Borge Ousland Gets Married At The North Pole

Posted on the 13 April 2012 by Kungfujedi @Kungfujedi
So yesterday I posted an update on Mark Wood reaching the North Pole and in that post I indicated that he crashed a wedding upon his arrival at 90ºN. Turns out that wedding was for none other than Børge Ousland, the famous Norwegian explorer who has spent more than his fair share of time in the Arctic and Antarctic as well. Ousland, along with his bride Hege, a Lutheran minister, and some very close friends made the journey to the North Pole via the Barneo Ice Station, where the 30-minute ceremony was held. Afterwards the entire group celebrated with music, dancing and plenty of friendly toasts.
Mark arrived part-way through the festivities and was greeted by Børge. The two had exchanged emails prior to Wood's departure on his North-South Expedition, so it seemed a bit surreal and serendipitous that they would meet at the North Pole of all places.
The short video below is from the ceremony and gives us an indication of what a wedding at 90ºN looks like. Talk about your ultimate destination wedding, huh?