Silas Marner is the scrooge character who doesn’t need 3 ghosts to change. In fact, his transformation seems a little more sincere. He doesn’t change to save himself from a fate worth than death. He changes himself because he meets a little girl. A little girl who wanders into his house and steals his heart. Through this little girl Silas begins to return to his faith in God, believe in the beauty of the natural world, and trust in people. Alongside a theme of lies and corruption…it’s really a dense read for so few pages, but surprisingly easy to follow.
This is one I’m glad I had the chance to read, and with the page count it doesn’t take up too much of your time. Again, not a lot to say that hasn’t already been said, but it’s one I regret not reading sooner. Eliot is one of the female Victorian authors I can get behind. Although this is also a story about something other than marriage and while is does deal with social class does it in a different way.
If you’re one of those who can’t stand the thought of turning a page, try a movie.